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Estenc (Mercantour : southern alps) - Photographie verticale

Estenc (Mercantour : southern alps)

Estenc (Mercantour : southern alps)

With Caf Aubagne, we went for 3 days in mercacantour national park ( southern France).

At this time of the year, the snow started this year at 2000m a.s. l. but this winter has poor snow conditions… We still  managed to get ourselves really nice trip with amazing  group, snow and view!

We spent our nights in refuge de la cantoniere that I warmly recommand as the tenant is really cool, the food is really good and the accomodation comfortable !

The Group ! CAF Aubagne !


Day 1 : Tete de la Sanguinette with CAF Aubagne !




In the fog on the way to col de la sanguiniere




col de sanguiniere



tete sanguiniere du sommet de la sanguinette


Micheline ! I hope to get that fit at the same age …!


Nice skiing


Day 2 : Tête des Garrets

regular slope !


Tete des Garrets


Sommet des garrets



Day 3 : Tete de la cote de l’ane


First sun ray !
B&W tree and snow





Somewhere on the moon !



Sommet tete cote de l’ane


Joy of JJ at the summit of cote de l’ane!


Descent hunger



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